DESTACO 548, 578 sorozatú nagy teherbírású függőleges lenyomó bilincsek

Destaco 548, 578 Series vertical hold-down clamps are used to firmly hold components in place during machining, welding or assembly tasks, ensuring precision and stability.

Szorítókar stílusa: Szilárd bár , Szorítórúd nyílása: 199 fok , Üzemi ciklus: 3 , Fogantyú: Függőleges , Fogantyú nyitása: 129 fok , Anyaga: Acél , Rögzítési alap: Egyenes , Toggle Lock Plus: Nem
StílusModellAlap hosszaAlapszélességSzorító kar hosszaMagasság a szorítókar alattTartóképességTeljes magasságTeljes hosszÁr (ÁFA nélkül)
3.25 "2"4.25 "2.24 "2500 font.9.45 "7.5 "€281.40
4.02 "2.38 "4.61 "2.79 "4000 font.11.04 "8.62 "€466.11


  • They feature easy loading and unloading with a minimum 90-degree opening angle, facilitating efficient and quick placement & removal of workpieces.
  • These clamps offer a unique cam-action mechanism that holds workpieces of inconsistent height without adjusting the hold-down spindle, providing versatility in securing components with varying dimensions.

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

What factors should I consider while selecting a Destaco 548, 578 Series vertical hold-down clamp for my specific application?

Consider factors, such as the required clamping force, workpiece dimensions, and the specific demands of your application.

What is clamping method?

After positioning the workpiece, it's essential to apply pressure, pressing it against designated surfaces to secure it against external forces. In tool design terminology, this process is referred to as clamping, and the devices employed for this purpose are commonly called clamps.

How do I maintain Destaco 548, 578 Series vertical hold-down clamps?

Regularly inspect for wear or damage. Replace any worn-out or damaged components promptly to ensure optimal performance. Clean the clamps regularly using a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and debris. Avoid using liquids to prevent damage.

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