SALISBURY 0. osztályú kisfeszültségű elektromos kesztyűk

Salisbury lineman Class 0 low voltage electrical gloves are safety equipment used by electrical utility linemen and workers in electrical maintenance, power line repair and electrical installations. These gloves are designed to protect against electrical shock and arc flash incidents when on or near low-voltage electrical systems. They offer insulation and protection against voltage levels up to 1000V, ensuring the safety of the wearer.Olvass tovább

Osztály: 0 , Hossz: 11 " , Anyaga: Természetes gumi , Méret: 8.5
StílusModellszínekÁr (ÁFA nélkül)
E011B / 8H
E011R / 8H

0. osztályú kisfeszültségű elektromos kesztyűk

A Salisbury linemen 0. osztályú alacsony feszültségű elektromos kesztyűk védik a dolgozókat az elektromos veszélyektől. Ezek a kesztyűk kritikus akadályt jelentenek az áramütések és ívvillanások ellen is, csökkentve az elektromos sérülések és a halálos kimenetelű személyek kockázatát a feszültség alatt álló elektromos berendezéseken vagy azok közelében.


  • Salisbury lineman Class 0 low voltage electrical gloves feature compliance with NFPA 70E Voltage Class 0 standards, safeguarding workers in environments with voltages up to 1000VAC.
  • These gloves offer protection against electrical shock and arc flash incidents, ensuring worker safety when handling live electrical systems.
  • They come with a voltage class rating, allowing users to match the gloves to the specific requirements of their work site.
  • They are equipped with Type II electrical-insulating properties, making them resistant to ozone-induced cracking and degradation in high-pollution areas.
  • They have undergone rigorous testing, with a proof test voltage of 5000VAC and 20000VDC, ensuring their reliability and performance in demanding electrical work situations.

Kompatibilis kiegészítők

  • Salisbury 10-4CS-ES Glove Dust: This fine glove dust serves as a valuable addition to a lineman's toolkit, helping to maintain the integrity of the gloves. By applying the dust, users can reduce moisture, enhance grip and prevent excess wear and tear on their electrical gloves.

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

How often should I replace my Salisbury lineman Class 0 gloves?

Gloves should be replaced if they show signs of wear or damage or after the recommended inspection and testing intervals, typically every six months to a year.

Can I wear liners with these gloves for added comfort?

Liners can be used to enhance comfort but ensure they don't compromise electrical insulation.

What are the key standards and regulations that govern the use of Salisbury lineman Class 0 gloves?

Salisbury lineman Class 0 gloves comply with standards such as ASTM D 120 and IEC EN60903 and meet NFPA 70E requirements.

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